Delta Benefits

Why Delta Transformers?

Because we prioritize employee well-being and offer a diverse range of benefits to help you thrive.

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Health & Wellbeing

Delta Transformers offers a robust, 100% employer funded benefits package, including health, dental and travel insurance. Our Employee Assistance Program supports the mental health and well-being of our team.

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Work-life balance

We encourage a balanced life through flexible hours, a sick-day policy, a bank of 2 floating holidays and an alternate schedule which allows team members to finish early on Fridays in the summer.

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Financial Security

Outside of our competitive salary and benefits package, we also offer a pension fund, short or long-term disability insurance, life insurance and an Employee Share Plan.

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Workplace Safety

Your safety is our priority. We invest in your workplace safety with an allowance for safety shoes and safety glasses. Our OHS Committee ensures a safe work environment.

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Career Advancement

Expand your professional skills with training opportunities and funding. Annual salary reviews and a performance evaluation process ensure you receive the recognition you deserve.

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Social Opportunities

We foster connection with our team members at employee events like our annual barbecue, golf tournament, and children’s holiday party.

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Employee Led Improvements

Our employee-led continuous improvement program and our health and wellness, green and training committees ensure that employee needs are always at the forefront of what we do.